The earth, the training ground for the ego, is considered our lower nature, and as we'll see in a . It symbolizes money and wakes up your cosmic mind. To these individuals, this is a sign that new knowledge, truths, hope, and promise are awaiting them. Jehovah-Jirah—The Lord Sees And Provides. The prophecy says that once day every living being will be united, healed and joined in love. The rainbow is also a symbol of yin and yang in Chinese legend. List of Colors in the Bible and Their Meanings. The metaphysical system of angel colors is based on seven different light rays, which loosely correspond to sunlight or a rainbow's colors: Blue (representing power, protection, faith, courage, and strength) Yellow (representing wisdom for decisions) Pink (representing love and peace) White (representing the purity . Colors are able to provoke specific emotions or thoughts, which has been an interesting phenomenon throughout history. This color takes center stage in the Tarot of Marseille. Seeing colors during meditation is a normal experience for many people and has a variety of symbolic meanings. For instance: Rainbow-colored hair means that you are calm, light-hearted, and carefree with nurturance in you. And the symbol of the Rainbow tells us that we are guided . Yes, it can mean Christian or Biblical, but it also can mean, New Age, Hindu, Islamic, and a whole bunch of other things. As it is obvious that these clouds are not normal clouds, they have a specific meaning attached to their existence. Rainbow is the symbol of success, hope and fortune. Jehovah-Tsidkenu—The Lord Our Righteousness. When searching for meaning in a color it's important to understand the source of interpretation. This beautiful Archangel radiates all the colors of the rainbow. Pink/Fuchsia - Right relationship with God. Rainbow colors meanings vary. In Tibetan Buddhism, the term "rainbow body" refers to the transformation of the physical body into a vessel made up of five radiant lights. Red rainbow color meaning. Yellow. perseverance. The dream of a rainbow might seem mysterious to some people. A double rainbow consists of two rainbows as the first rainbow represents the material or the physical world descending from earth to heaven. The dark color of these butterflies is a symbolism of inner strength and vitality. The following definitions are not set in stone, but provide some scriptures or cultural context associated with certain colors. 2. These colors are part of the electromagnetic spectrum that human eyes can see. Scarlet (red) points to His blood atonement, paid for the sins of man. That it first used eight stripes is significant, because it reveals clearly the now . Red is the color of the Angel Uriel, who represents Energy. The rainbow is also a picture of God's beauty and holiness. In most cultures, it also represents sunshine, happiness, and warmth. People with this aura color are most likely spiritual teachers, healers, and lightworkers. Rainbow clouds have a way of evoking awe and reverence when seen. Orange. And offers a glimpse into the beauty of the higher levels of love and light. Perceptions of color lead cultures to develop their own symbols and meanings based on such colors. The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth" (Genesis 9.13-16). And it is a message that even in the darkest situations, there is a little hope shining through. Blue. Bekko means "tortoiseshell" in Japanese. In religions such as Hinduism and ancient Egyptian, yellow is often associated with their deities. In this sense, the Chinese recognize five colors in the rainbow, and harmonized, they represent perfect balance. It might symbolize what you need to focus on in a different light. Red holds symbolic meaning of all things intense and passionate. In Tibetan Buddhism, the term "rainbow body" refers to the transformation of the physical body into a vessel made up of five radiant lights. Interpreting it is a particularly complex task. Similarly, rainbow dreams indicate the bridges in relationships. The rainbow is also a picture of God's beauty and holiness. Rainbow orb spiritual meanings are special and are seen as spiritual forces and are . If you need change or you want to achieve one of your goals, this crystal . White expresses the presence, manifestation (of colors), and black, the absence, manifestation . They believe the light that shines through the rainbow wakes their soul up to the spiritual realm. It is the mystical bridge in the sky symbolizing the higher mental plane, the actual bridge between our higher and lower natures (heaven and earth). Whenever you feel that you are losing hope and you . Green This color is the point of balance in the rainbow. The birds are group creatures who fly together from place to place like nomads. Subsequent designs sported seven and . The orange of the rainbow represents the following: endurance. Associated with the heart chakra, it represents balance, love, growth, perfect health and abundance. The spiritual meaning of double rainbow is always good. If you are an honest and kind person who always tries to do the right thing and dedicates himself to helping people, surely your wishes will come true. Silver aura is the color of abundance in a physical and spiritual sense. Scarlet - Royalty, fine linen for tabernacle. Here are the seven colors of the rainbow and what each color symbolizes. The appearance of a rainbow in the darkness is mysterious and powerful. They also symbolize strength. Certainly because it holds within itself all the colors of the rainbow. Yellow Koi Fish. Indigo = Serenity. Yellow, one of the primary colors found in rainbows, is commonly used throughout the world. The most beautiful energy field, the rainbow auras will present themselves in the 5th spiritual dimension. God set the rainbow in the sky as a sign of his promise to Noah and for all generations to come. The various vibrant colors of rainbow indicate happiness and create a lot of excitement in the air. The color of light a Spirit appears, including an Angel, also may have to do with wavelength. With a solid platinum body, silver koi fish or Ogon represents wealth fulfillment through business success. When you dream of a rainbow, brace yourself because it means that you will experience positive changes in your life. The Significance of Primary Colors in the Bible. The rainbow is an ancient mystical symbol. It is the root word for mankind. The Spiritual Meaning of the Color Green. Additionally . Some believe due to the rainbow's red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet being seven colors, that seven is a magic number, and thus the rainbow colors symbolize magic in general. This is a good time to stop and pay attention to what Spirit is telling you through a . The colors of the rainbow are sometimes used as a symbol of "gay pride." . Seeing Rainbow Colors During Meditation. 7 Colors And Their Spiritual Meanings: Red - This color is vibrant and full of life. Here are some of the common meanings seeing a rainbow can have: 1. Different colors may evoke certain emotions. Rainbows represent spiritual ascension. The seven CHAKRAS colors match the seven colors of the rainbow; In Sanskrit, the word "chakra" means "disk" or "wheel" and refers to the energy centers in your body. Ezekiel 1:28: "Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. People who have found themselves on a spiritual journey believe that rainbows symbolize an inner awakening. Rainbows appear after mighty storms, when things look their worst. There are darker and equally powerful meanings held by the rainbow. White (fine linen) points to the Righteous One and the righteousness He imputes to all who come to Him in faith. Good news or good luck. Seeing rainbows is another rare appearance in an aura. Why Understanding the Meaning of Color is Vital 4. 5. Since rainbows are elusive in nature, appearing randomly and not automatically after rainfall, there is a huge chance that these changes can be unexpected. Jehovah-Jirah—The Lord Sees And Provides. In addition, to be a symbolic meaning of peace and hope, rainbows have been associated with a fallen soldier of war. The color green balances emotions and is a symbol of good health and wealth. . Raziel is said to work very closely with the Divine and therefore it is believed that he has a deep knowledge and understanding of 'the secrets' and 'magic' of the universe. The rainbow shall be in the cloud, . Learning about God's seven redemptive names led me into an interesting train of thought. 6. But above all it symbolizes growth and renewal. God made an everlasting covenant with Noah, his family, and their descendants. Bekko or the koi fish with a yellow body and black markings symbolizes true love. Turquoise = Magic/Art. Essentially, in this golden myth, the rainbow is a symbol of the promise of great prosperity. It resonates with the concept of impregnability and endurance. Spiritual Meaning of the Color Red The color red is vibrant and full of life, it has a range of meanings from love and passion to fiery anger, it excites and energizes. The ray of spiritual mastery, violet brings together frantic red with the practicality of blue to create a stabilizing energy that purifies feelings and thoughts. Seven Colors of Light Rays. Their rainbow meaning is different from the original. Rainbow Lorikeets prefer landing in a space lush with fruit . This color embodies infinite wisdom and spiritual wealth. It also symbolizes mystery, hidden potentials, or secrets that can bring great joy to your life. Spiritual Meaning of Butterfly in Aztec Culture. When you think of it, the first images that come to mind might be a clear sky on a nice day or being beachside looking out into the calm sea. In fact, if on the one hand, green represents life and growth, on the other, it also represents envy. His name means "Secret of God". But green also has opposite meanings. Jehovah-Shamma—The Lord Is Present. Red is the color of fire, and power. Buddhist wisdom suggests rainbow meanings as a sign of the clearest state of consciousness. Additionally . Nevertheless, very special people will find a rainbow of colors in their aura. This bridge was referred to as the Bifrost. Rainbow symbolism has such a powerful meaning to each of us and graciously bestows the energy of blessings. Red - Blood of Jesus, love of God, blood of lamb, atonement, salvation. The rainbow must have given great comfort and relief to Noah and his family, and it served as a . Jehovah-Nissi—The Lord Our Banner. A rainbow symbolism is one of many symbols from God that signifies the nature of His Love for us. The rainbow was the sign of that promise - a reminder of God's commitment to the earth. Yellow is the happiest color in the rainbow. The color of sunshine, yellow is a mixture of red and green, and represents energy and warmth. It is a calm color that brings peace. It is the light that radiates from angels and other mystical beings including Animal spirits. Symbolic meaning of colors is derived based upon repeated use in certain contexts (e.g. Black represents our sins and God's darkest day. The dream is a sign of hope and belonging. Jehovah-Shalom—The Lord Our Peace. As they travel, the Lorikeets look like moving rainbows across the sky, a symbol of hope and renewal. Baker's original design had eight colors, and he assigned a meaning to each one: hot pink (sexuality), red (life), orange (healing), yellow (the sun), green (nature), turquoise (art), indigo (harmony), and violet (spirit). Jehovah-Nissi—The Lord Our Banner. We face a good sign of the universe. A Native American prophecy tells us that "when the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds and . Regardless of the difficulties that come your way, your resolve will never fall. If you see the shape of the rainbow, it bridges gap in the sky. Those who died, will be back on earth. Amber - Glory of God, judgment upon sin, endurance. And to have faith that everything will be alright. Rainbows represent spiritual ascension. However, there are many variations intended to include the ever . The Meaning of Rainbow Colors. Red: Red is translated in the Old Testament as oudem, which means "red clay.". It's linked to vitality, passion and lust. Even in the modern English-speaking world, where . In the West it is a color that also symbolizes wealth. Promise. It symbolizes the spiritual and sacerdotal authority/leadership that reigns over the temporal, worldly power. The rainbow colors red, purple (which is a mix of red and blue), and scarlet (a bright red) and crimson (a cooler hue of the color red) were used extensively in the tabernacle Moses made in the wilderness. White is the color of the druids of the Celtic traditions and the Brahmins (members of the highest caste in Hinduism) of the Hindu tradition. The rainbow flag was first developed in 1978 by Gilbert Baker and used as a symbol of pride for the gay community. Green. 2. It is considered a sign of Nirvana…the highest . Symbolism of the colors: Blue points to Heaven, where God dwells. Rainbow Symbolism: Higher Self. Different color candles have their own unique symbolic meanings, and were very important in the creation of spells and rituals, drawing in different energies for various different purposes. The meaning of colors are often imbued with great symbolic power. Rainbow dreams symbolize purity and spirituality. Itzapapalotl, depicted by an Obsidian butterfly is a divine spirit that is shown on the Aztec calendar where he can transform into several forms . A rainbow can also symbolize promise which stems from the Bible when God flooded the earth to rid it of sin and evil.. After the flood, Noah left the arc to be greeted by a rainbow shining over the ocean.The rainbow was said to be a symbol from God to say there would be no more floods, that this was a sign of a new day, and a promise of a better future. Red Aura. The acronym ROY G. BIV is a handy reminder for the color sequence that makes up the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Because the devil is the "father of lies" (), all of the myths about rainbows are mistruths that distract us from discovering the true symbolic meaning behind it.. As a matter of fact, one of the farthest-reaching (yet subtle) distractions in our contemporary culture happened in 1978 when an artist hijacked the rainbow to design a flag to represent the LGBT community and celebrate a . White is a wonderful facet of the Feminine divine in our perception. Pink is for our new tomorrows. Or in the metaphysical community, we call these different vibrations. Jehovah-Rapha—The Lord Our Healer. As a divine color, Yellow plays the role of a referee in the duality between Red and Blue. Significance of Colors. These clouds appear to you as a sign from the angels who are trying to communicate with you. The symbolic meaning of rainbows as a celestial bridge is in old Norse traditions too. It represent higher spirituality, communication, devotion, and freedom. A. Christian. It's a representation of God's promise to us; He will . Rainbow Dream Meaning. When we look at the colors of the rainbow, it is hard not to think about God. The rainbow was the sign of that promise - a reminder of God's commitment to the earth. In many cultures rainbows are seen as signs of good luck or that good news is on the way, and if you see one this could be the simplest explanation. God is the divine self in heaven, our highest nature. Symbolism of colors. The rainbow colors can be correlated with the 7 Spirits of . They were also a part of the temple later constructed, and in the garments for the High Priest and other priests . A rainbow contains seven colors, in the order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Which contains all the basic colors, resonating with almost anything in the Universe. The Rainbow Lorikeet is as vibrant in spirit as it is in color. It is an encouraging message to never give up. Each of these three primary colors holds particular significance in the Bible. Rainbows are also related to an individuals spiritual growth and linked to higher consciousness. "Spiritual" Meaning of Colors "Spiritual" is a very vague term, which can mean a lot of things. Spiritual Meaning of Rainbow Clouds. Jehovah-Rapha—The Lord Our Healer. Red aura pertains to circulation, the heart, and the body. Rainbows are beautiful and are colorful occurrences that make us smile once they are painted in the skies after a gloomy storm. Spiritual Meaning Of Colors In The Bible. These meanings can be for the healing of your body, your spiritual enlightenment, to guide your personal growth, trigger psychological understanding, or represent an ancient wisdom. The three primary colors found in nature are red, yellow, and blue. Rainbow forming an arch connecting two horizons may mean joy and happiness in your relationship. . Jehovah-Shamma—The Lord Is Present. God made an everlasting covenant with Noah, his family, and their descendants. Therefore, resonating with your wishes and goals, anything they might be. It typically symbolizes cleansing, spiritual enlightenment, virtue, peace and Divine energy. Red is the color of the first or base chakra Spiritual Growth is analogous to the growth of a tree (Psalm 1:3; Jer 17:7-8), the Tabernacle analogy, and the stages of human life, childhood, young men, and old men (1 Jn 2:12-14). Learning about God's seven redemptive names led me into an interesting train of thought. In Norse mythology, a rainbow once served as a bridge between the mortal and immortal that casualties of war would cross. That is the version of the flag that started it all. The symbolism of a Rainbow intuitively tells us to hold onto hope, to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that sacred blessings open to us when we are following our hearts desire. The Prophecy - there is an ancient prophecy that mentions the appearance of circular rainbow around sun. strength. It is often associated with happiness, clear thinking, and communication. The colors of the rainbow are also a sign of God's covenant with man. A black butterfly also relates to your depth as a person. And this property is mostly due to its rainbow. Each of those times Ezekiel and John see a rainbow with God. 1 The flag originally included eight stripes, but the most common version today consists of six colors. These seven colors are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The Spiritual Growth . Violet = Spirit. 5. Silver Koi Fish. Therefore, the 7 colors represent a spiritual transition from one Spirit of God into the next. Traffic lights and signs use it to symbolize caution when traveling. The second rainbow represents the spiritual realm descending from heaven to earth. A rainbow comes in the form of an arch and has seven spectral colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, often shortened as ROYGBIV or Roy G Biv, in which each letter stands for the first letter of the color names. Different colored candles can be used in much the same way as color healing and therapy, also relating to the seven chakras and their colors. Read more. Each of these colors have their own significance and meaning and they can influence us in different ways. However, rainbows cover more than just a multicolored sight. God is known for having seven redemptive names, and each color of the rainbow corresponds to one of those names. Spiritual Growth/Sanctification Colors Spiritual Growth is a sanctification process that is illustrated by the colors of the rainbow. The spiritual meaning of blue is cool, calm, and grounded. In the middle of the rainbow, green is the color of life. A symbol of hope - the rainbow around the moon is a symbol of hope and faith. Orange - Fire of God, deliverance, passionate praise. White is brilliant and pure and the absence of all color. The Rainbow Quartz Crystal is vigorous manifestation crystal. 3. They bring the reminder that there's so much more going on that normally meets our physical eyes…. It's a physical and high energy color that can sometimes turn to anger and aggression. Yellow. So aside from Angel light colors being symbolic, it could also be scientific, Angels could travel and communicate through different wavelengths. It symbolizes cold air and water and lays on the opposite end of the spectrum from red which represents heat and energy. Additional resources. Rainbow Lorikeet Symbolism & Meaning. . Officially, the 7 colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The Bible mentions the rainbow again in Ezekiel 1.28; Revelation 4.3; and Revelation 10.1. 10 Rainbow Dream Interpretation. Rainbow Symbol - Negative Meanings. Bibliography. And this rainbow will bring unity, life and love. 7. The Cree, Hopi and Sioux Indians speak about mighty Rainbow Warriors that will inhabit our planet in the future and they will come in time of the great awakening. They comprise a nearly continuous spectrum, meaning that each color transitions into the next. Red is the color at the top of the rainbow, it has the longest wavelength. It is a sign of hope, promise, and inspiration. It is common to have an uplifting feeling when you see a rainbow, and many people believe that if you see . This color governs the Crown Chakra and offers inspiration to enhance artistic creativity and talents. Dreaming of a rainbow means you are heading in the right direction. Biblical, in nature, cultural). Green . Raziel can assist you by elevating your spiritual understanding . Rainbow clouds carry the spiritual significance of rainbows which are symbols of hope, inspiration . Ezekiel 1:28: "Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. It has the ability to revitalize and balance as well as increase luck. Jehovah-Tsidkenu—The Lord Our Righteousness. Jehovah-Shalom—The Lord Our Peace. 2. It has a big range of meaning from love to anger. Blue Blue is the color of the sky and ocean. Purple points to One who would come as Messiah, the King of the Jews. Purple. Purple is for Jesus' hours of sorrow, so we can gain the crown of life. Though deep meditation and yoga . Every extinct animal will come back to life. It is a symbol of pure light and spiritual reflection…a unification of mind, body, spirit and emotion. White represents God's purity and the cleansing of our sins thru God's grace.