Another cause is the oil and water layers getting separated, which happens due to too much oil. Disclaimer: Making Liquid Soap is more difficult / involved than making bar soap. Firmly press the white, hose tip into the opening on the cap until it clicks into place. the not so good: Can be harsh in higher concentrations, causing irritation and sensitivity. Sodium hydroxide is used to makes bar soap. Add all of your chopped soap into the water. of very cold to slightly slushy goat milk with 2.6 oz. The primary difference between liquid soap and bar soaps is that potassium hydroxide (KOH) is used in place of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for the lye solution. In the case of bar soap, the lye used is sodium hydroxide (NaOH). As the superfat rises above about 3% in a liquid soap, the extra fat and fatty acids cannot remain mixed with the soap. The most expensive part of this recipe is the fragrance oil and the packaging. Why does Koh make liquid soap? (100g) of table salt in a microwaveable bowl or measuring cup. It is also known as potash, lye or even KOH. However, if liquid or gel soap is what you're after, then KOH-based glycerin is much easier to use. 105 grams Coconut Oil, 645 grams Olive Oil. Simply so, how do you make liquid soap with caustic soda? You certainly could add more water up front, but I am of little patience and I always wonder if I'm not just wasting water when I add it up front. If water is used for the lye liquid, the soap will have a 16% superfat. How many Liters does 3.2kg of KOH (Potassium Hydroxide) take up when mixed with oil and water to make liquid soap? Dissolve lye in the water to make a lye solution before adding to the melted oils. Turn the slow cooker on to high heat and melt the coconut oil. So we'll end up with 543 g of water. Potassium hydroxide is an inorganic compound with the formula K OH, and is commonly called caustic potash . The oils in the slow cooker, the water in a heat-proof jug, and the lye (KOH) in another container. Some soap makers use two alkalis -- sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) -- to make some types of soap. It is only used for making liquid soaps. Melt the coconut oil along with the other oils in a large crock pot. The latter produces liquid soap. Combine the glycerin and distilled water in a deep stainless steel saucepan and bring to a boil. It is also known as potash, lye or even KOH. Pour lye into liquid, not liquid into lye when making a basic solution. Once all the soap water is incorporated, decant into a soap pump bottle or just a normal bottle. Start by shredding a bar of natural soap into a pan and adding 4 cups of water to create natural liquid soap. Yes, it does. and you should be wearing goggles and gloves). Weigh out the water into a large, dishwasher safe jug. It is present in various lotions, shampoos, hairsprays, manicure products, shaving creams, drain . 9.5 ounces water. And next time a customer asks if you make Liquid Soap, you can say YES I DO! Once you make the paste for liquid soap, you dilute the paste with water or another liquid. Having minimal Potassium Hydroxide dilution helps speed up saponification (less water to interfere with the oil/KOH love dance) so that you have paste sooner and can dilute sooner. Equipment: Stick Blender. ), coconut oil and the potato water! This is the chemical that induces saponification of the fats and oils to create liquid soap. This is the chemical that induces saponification of the fats and oils to create liquid soap. Soap pastes made with glycerin tend to be easier to dilute in water. I brought it to trace, then cooked and stirred for about an hour. Dedicate all soap-making tools to soap-making (and not cooking or eating). if you need 100g of NaOH for your recipe, you take out 5g . You will want to keep your PPE on while working directly with lye and raw soap batter. Weigh out the KOH carefully into a small container and add it to the water, swirling it gently to dissolve the flakes. Triglycerides from oil or fat react with sodium hydroxide to form glycerol and sodium salts of fatty acids, which latter are the soaps. Heat coconut oil inside the cup. While the soap is diluting make a 20% saline solution. Triglycerides from oil or fat react with sodium hydroxide to form glycerol and sodium salts of fatty acids, which latter are the soaps. Saponification of an unsaturated oil, such as olive oil, gives a soft soap. I then left it overnight to finish gelling and when tested was neutral-no zap. All skin types except those that have an identified allergy to it. You'll have two phases of water for your liquid soap. It forms a solid, opaque bar soap. In a double boiler, melt together: 7.2 oz. The cheaper liquid soaps contain more water. This excess lye will be neutralized later. As a basis for shampooing - mix with a 100% liquid soap of another oil and/or add essential oils of your choice (ylang ylang, romarin) and/or dilute your soap paste in herbal infusion instead of distilled water. The crude soap obtained from the saponification reaction contains sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, and glycerol. This is a keeper! Adding more glycerin makes the process of liquid soap making easier and more fool-proof. how to turn bar soap into liquid soap: Place the three cups of water into your sauce pan. Re-melt the oils if needed and begin slowly whisking the soap water into the oils, taking care not to suds it up. of KOH. i've been buying Tide liquid laundry soap for years and been paying an arm and a leg! Wearing PPE, (gloves, goggles, and facemask) and working in a well-ventilated area, weigh the Potassium hydroxide. 4.8 ounces potassium hydroxide. Loyola University of Chicago: Biodiesel Labs 54 they are pretty reasonable there. Most early soaps were made using potassium hydroxide obtained from wood ash and animal fats. Both are considered lye, but the potassium hydroxide is not strong enough to make a solid soap. When it's liquid, continue to the next step but keep the heat on. Dissolve the lye crystals in water. It is mainly used to produce soft and liquid soaps. This book does a wonderful job of explaining why the chemical process for KOH soap making is different; she makes sure to emphasize that a 'neutral' or balanced soap is not pH neutral 7, but merely a completed chemical reaction with no leftover lye or excess fat. Using a measuring cup, add the appropriate amount of water for the number of soap bars you're melting into liquid. Step 3: Cover the glass with double-thick plastic wrap or something similar to keep the scent contained, and set aside for 24 hours to allow all the bubbles to rise and disburse. Allow 15 minutes for the mixture to cool before adding a few drops of your chosen essential oils. Along with sodium hydroxide (NaOH), KOH is a prototypical strong base. Soaps are sodium or potassium salts of long chain fatty acids. 600 grams Olive Oil, 105 grams Coconut Oil, 45 grams Castor Oil. Spatulas work great for getting all the batter out of your bowl. lol Use like normal soap. For this recipe using an 8% lye excess I usually meter around 9.5-9.7 PH. There are some other differences between the two processes, which I will cover further down. This works as good as Dawn ever has and has no toxic chemicals. Melt the oils together in a large (non-aluminum) heavy bottomed pot over medium heat. Since this reaction leads to the formation of soap, it is called the Saponification process. KOH (Potassium Hydroxide-you can make it from clean ashes! Mix it and repeat this process for couple of times. KOH (potassium-based lye) is what is generally used for making liquid soap, and NaOH is what is generally used for making hard/bar-type soap. Blend for about 5 minutes, then walk away. The strong alkali is usually sodium hydroxide - aka lye, aka NaOH - or potassium hydroxide - aka KOH. Therefore, potassium soaps are used to make liquid soap and shaving cream. Place 750g of Distilled water into a sturdy, plastic container. Heat your soap back up. The water needed for dilution (we'll discuss later) To find the water needed for the paste multiply the KOH amount by three. This reaction may or may not instantly happen, and may cause you considerable stress getting it to happen. Glycerin is normally a by-product of the soap making process. Keeping the heat on low, cover the slow cooker with its lid and check every 30 minutes, stirring with a heatproof spoon or spatula. KOH makes soaps that are readily soluble in water (that is why it is used for liquid soapmaking). The mixture will be kind of chunky and want to separate, but don't worry. sustainable palm oil. When you're ready, prepare the lye solution by weighing the water and potassium hydroxide into separate containers. Potassium hydroxide flakes intrinsically contain water and other impurities, around 10 percent, which means the lye excess in clear liquid soap recipes is not as high as it initially appears. The flakes are easier to work with but are still caustic, so you must wear gloves and protective eyewear. Olive Oil - 350 g Safflower Oil - 170 g Myristic Acid (hardness, cleansing, bubbly lather) 15-25%. I left part of the soap unthickened to use in a foamer and the rest I added a very small amount of HEC to the soap, brought it to 170 and stick blended it. Here's how -. Liquid soap is usually formulated with extra lye to ensure that the oils are properly saponified, so make certain you don't skip a step in order to neutralize the excess lye. With liquid soaps, the chemical reaction takes place with potassium hydroxide, which is a specific type of lye for liquid soap. KOH (Potassium Hydroxide) and NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) are both commercially produced lyes: KOH is potassium-based lye and NaOH is sodium-based lye. Lye/Water. The better solubility of the potassium salts contributes to this significantly. Bronners soap, which is considered "pure" natural, uses lye. I make a 33% solution of borax/water and add 3/4 oz per pound of paste to my diluted soap. Step 1: Weigh Your Ingredients. It has many industrial and niche applications, most of which exploit its caustic nature and its reactivity toward acids. It assumes that the reader has either taken our Cold Process 101 Soap Class or has prior experience making soap from scratch. Once the soap is dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and let cool. Soft Soap: Soft soap is made using potassium hydroxide (KOH) rather than sodium hydroxide. So here is what we'll need to make our soap paste. 4 ounces olive oil. Always have proper ventilation to expell fumes. Step 1: Materials Needed. Soaps with less diluting water are thicker. Students will make liquid soap from glycerin they made in a biodiesel reaction. Potassium Hydroxide. Step 2: Pour the liquid base into a clean glass or jug, and then stir in both the color and fragrance oil. Why does Koh make liquid soap? KOH based glycerin CAN be made into soap bars and NaOH based glycerin CAN ALSO be made into liquid soap, but it does take more effort to get the desired result. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Treatrment of a soap solution with dilute hydrochloric acid produces a mixture of fatty acids. 1. Answer (1 of 2): It's not used in soap, it's used to make soap. As a basis for home-made detergent for laundry. Let the soap completely dissolve (keep an eye on the pot so it doesn't overflow) Once all the soap is dissolved, remove the pot from the heat and . I make mine in a crock pot and once it is finished it is a hard paste that you then dilute with water to make a liquid. Even though making liquid soap is different than making bar soap, it's still vitally important that you use the correct amount of lye in your recipe. The lye used in liquid soaps doesn't make a hard bar of soap. Ingredients: * 47 oz organic olive oil (technically castile soap is only made from olive oil but, feel free to try something completely different) * 32.9 distilled water. * 9.39 oz KOH (potassium hydroxide) (where we get ours) * (Later at dilution) 80 oz of distilled water. KOH is used for soap making, especially liquid soaps, as it needs lesser water to become liquid (the soap contains higher amount of cleaning agent than the soap made with other substances). Potassium hydroxide is harder to find and comes in flakes, not beads. The word means any liquid alkali solution that can be used to make soap, so it can be used for any KOH or NaOH solution. Simple right? Not only is it said to move the process along more quickly, making the process quicker and easier, it also has other advantages. Some carrier oils do better in liquid soap and some are best if left out or used in smaller quantities. Modern soft soaps are made using vegetable oils and other polyunsaturated triglycerides.